Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Now I Know...
So, while I was uploading pictures I found these. Now I know what Dave and Ethan do while I'm not home...

A Little Cuddle Never Hurt Anyone
So, even as a newborn, Ethan was never one to "cuddle." In fact, I could never even rock him to sleep. What kind of baby doesn't like to be rocked? For Ethan, that means he could not see what was going on around him. He is an observer. It makes it hard for Mom who would love a little cuddle-time once and a while... ok... all the time! Today was really nice. When I got home he was already tired. So he climbed up on my lap and wanted to watch "Signing Time." I put on the new episode "Helping Around the House." He has already learned "sweep" and started to sweep with his child-size broom. So maybe by next week he will learn "wash dishes"... hey, I can dream can't I?

Friday, April 4, 2008
What's Up With This Weather?!
I was so excited about the last three days of sunshine! I just happened to be at work all three days. So, I couldn't wait to wake up this morning. I had a day filled with so many activities for my little guy. He has been sick this week (again!) and the only thing that has made him happy is playing outdoors. You can imagine my dismay when I opened the blinds this morning to find it raining (again!). I still decided to have a great time anyway. Ethan and I played soccer upstairs until I kicked the stuffed soccer ball and knocked down the curtain rod, candle sconces, and several books. Then we played with play dough and Ethan's eyes got really big when I made two balls into ONE! Ahhh, where did the other go? We then chased bubbles. After Ethan decided he didn't want to take a nap I looked outside and the sun was shining! So, we got our puddle jumpers on and walked down to see the horse (which I think recognizes us now) and to the market a few blocks away. I got Ethan some cheese crackers and we sat on the bench outside the store to eat our snack. Then... it began to hail so hard! Ethan signed "rain" which brought me to laugh and say, "Now what do we do?" We sat for about ten minutes and it was getting colder. I was worried about Ethan but he didn't care at all. We walked back in the rain and when I could I would carry Ethan and run a little until the 30 pound load was too heavy. Ethan didn't mind a bit. He could of jumped in puddles, picked up bark, and look at the cars driving by all day long.
Animals To The Rescue

We had a long Sunday this week... but it was fun. We had a great service at church and then came home. I was hoping that Ethan would take a nap before we left for Brittney's birthday party but of course not. Since he was over tired, it was hard to get him out of the house again. The only way I could get him into the car was to say that we were going to see dogs, cats, a bird, and fish. As you can see he was in heaven.
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