We haven't been doing too much over here. Ethan has been teething his two year molars; which could explain our week in a nutshell.
We have had fun with some new activities and this I think
this one is Ethan's favorite so far. After we did our lesson, he was having a blast playing for a while at the table by himself.

Other than that, we have been just stuck in the house. It has been raining all week without stopping! The only glimpses we have had of spring has been the birds feeding from the feeder in the back yard. I love this time of year when the birds collect items in the yard for their nests. We will have to cut Ethan's hair this weekend and leave it in the grass for the birds. It would be cool to find a nest with Ethan's hair weaved into it! Or... is that gross?
LOL I started laughing when I read your plan for Ethans Hair... I will admit that is a wee bit gross but super funny! Yet creative...would a bird use his hair for a next. :) Love you guys!
reminds me of Sarah Plain & Tall... remember how she cuts Caleb's hair and then they sprinkle his locks into the yard for the birds. ;)
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