Jan and Jack
I didn't know that there was this beautiful story behind Jack's history. Jack's great grandmother was married to a salesman that was killed in the 1903 Heppner, Oregon flood. She then married a divorced man. So, there are three families that are involved in Jack's family history. It is really amazing and too detailed to begin here.
The best thing is that everyone let me take the photos and some of the family's history home with me to begin this new journey of documenting everything digitally. Nothing has been preserved and I can't wait to help with that job. Everyone voted at the reunion to have next year's at Mom and Dad's! So, I hope to have the job done in a year. That's my goal.
The best part is that I already have thirty photos digitally restored and I printed them today. They look brand new! So amazing! Can't wait to share this journey with you...
(to follow the creative journey go here)
Jen, this amazing, the picture of the family looks perfect, I sent this blog to all the family, so yu are so in the family and I loved reading about family fun night, Janice in death sure brought our family together, Love Susie
Thank you Jen. I look forward to next year.
Dori (daughter of Charlotte, granddaughter of Margaret and Charles Pugh).
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