Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ha Ha Fooled Ya...

There's this song I learned when I first started working with kids. It is a new version of Row Row Row Your Boat. It goes: Row, Row, Row your boat. Gently down the stream... ha, ha, fooled ya, I'm a submarine. When I sing it with Ethan, I rock him on my knees slowly to the original version. Then I sing it again and go faster.
I kind of feel like life has been just like that song. I am looking forward to next week being able to share with you the whirlwind that has been keeping us up every night for the past week. It was a little harder today since Ethan didn't sleep good last night and I was up late. But, there were so many times where he was making me laugh so hard. It made everything else just go away...


Tammy said...

I never heard that version before, how funny! I can't wait for you to share either!

Jessica Gray said...

The pictures of you and Ethan is so cute.:) Looks like you are both having alot of fun~!