Sunday, November 23, 2008

You Don't Have to Ask Me Twice

Becca and Josh invited us over last night for a Pre-Thanksgiving dinner, since we are going to Dave's family for the main meal. Ethan and I arrived just in time for my migraine to go into full swing.

I had already taken four Advil but unfortunately the medication didn't even dull the pain. I am not sure if you have had a migraine while your toddler runs around you in circles screaming. Did you know that covering your head with an over sized blanket while rocking back and forth doesn't make the little terror go away? Nor the migraine? I might be to blame. I thought I could quit my little pop habit, that occurred during those long days as a new Mommy, cold turkey. Was I crazy?!

Once Sarah, Becca, and Josh found out that I had a migraine they quickly treated me like a queen. Josh handed me a Coke; Becca turned down her bed; and Sarah handed me the Excedrin Migraine. In the meantime, Ethan must of taken some happy pills himself and was running around the house in circles, screaming from excitement. They wanted me to go upstairs to lay down and leave them with - that? Inside I wanted to say, "You don't have to ask me twice!Whoohoo! Free nap!" as I skipped, hopped, then ran upstairs, to take a large leap into the bed. But I didn't. I was really there to hang out. I haven't had that chance in a long while. Working on One Bright Spot doesn't really count. I didn't want to go and have them babysit the terror.

I got an hour nap and woke up to... Ethan's excited screams. The first thought was, "Oh my goodness! I fell asleep on the couch!" I thought I was at home. But, then I realized where I was, looked at the time, and then knew that my child had probably sent Cocoa back into trauma.

Dave drove over from work soon after and we had a delicious dinner. We relaxed and took time to chat and play with Ethan. When it was time to go, the three Grinders sent me home with a care package. When I opened it this morning there was two Cokes, pudding cups for Ethan's pumpkin pie substitute (the real thing has egg), and two Ziplocs of Excedrin Migraine. Someone else was thinking like the other... my guess is Sarah and Becca. Who do you think?


Kate said...

Ohhh migraines are no fun.... :( especially as a SAHM when usually the vacation you need to get rid of it ain't gonna happen! I always turn to my trusty friend, the bag of frozen corn, during those times......I feel your pain!!

Jessica Gray said...
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Tammy said...

Sorry, I deleted a comment cause I was signed in under Jessica's account...hee, hee.

How sweet to make a care package for you! Hope you are ok now.

I'm bringing vegan pumpkin pie to Thanksgiving, so Ethan can be my guinea pig and try it