Monday, December 31, 2007
Ethan's First Snow Day!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Christmas Day
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! We had a great Christmas Eve with Becca and Josh. Check out her blog to see the cutest video of Ethan! Then on Christmas we spent the day with Dave's family in Keizer. The best part was the snow! It was my first Christmas that I can remember with snow! Plus, today we have more snow out where we live. Ethan's loved his first snow! He ate a snowball!

Friday, December 21, 2007
On Christmas Break!
I am so excited! I am on Christmas Break from school and to start the holiday off, we are all sick! It seems as if my immune system isn't what it use to be. I knew I would be getting sick because I have been out of the classroom for a year, but I thought I would at least last more than a week! So pray for us... Ethan has it and now Dave isn't feeling good. It's not good for him to be sick! He keeps on sneezing and that lung of his could go again!
In spite of the illness... yesterday was the Kindergarten's program. It went so well! My boss forgot that she asked Dave to be in the play when she wanted him to take pictures. So guess who was the photographer? Yep, me! Dave set up the camera for me and I got to take the pictures and I did a pretty good job! It is scary to have the pressure... but I came through! The program was awesome and I am glad not to have Dave wearing his head piece around the house.
So here is a great video of our Christmas tree that Becca so beautifully decorated.
In spite of the illness... yesterday was the Kindergarten's program. It went so well! My boss forgot that she asked Dave to be in the play when she wanted him to take pictures. So guess who was the photographer? Yep, me! Dave set up the camera for me and I got to take the pictures and I did a pretty good job! It is scary to have the pressure... but I came through! The program was awesome and I am glad not to have Dave wearing his head piece around the house.
So here is a great video of our Christmas tree that Becca so beautifully decorated.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Prepare the way for Christ's Birth
So, Dave has been casted as "Joesph" in school's Kindergarten Program. Mind you, he has no lines but it is a pretty important roll. He sits in the manger looking at "Jesus" with loving eyes. Dave has been practicing often and loves to wear his costume around the house while saying, "It's not easy raising the Son of God." I am just glad that when we went to get Chinese the other night, he took off his tunic and head piece.
Friday, December 7, 2007
Laughing About the Little Things
Besides the fact that Dave is laid up and unable to even hold his son... we are doing well. I have to smile about the small but funny things or the stress of this last week will break me! Let me tell you some of the funny things that has happened since Dave's surgery:
- Dave only remembers Eric and Joanne visiting in the hospital because Eric is growing a goatee
- Dave told me that I needed to go and get more meds cause he only had one more left. Then I looked in the container and there were several. He said that he must of dreamt it. What a nightmare!
- We were watching a television show and something was so funny that I slapped Dave while laughing... right on Dave's side... whoops! I felt terrible but now it's funny
- I am forced to watch Lord of the Rings Extended Version... yes... all of them! Wait, I am not sure if that is very humorous.
- Ethan can now out crawl Dave. Now that's funny.
Sunday, December 2, 2007
We Miss Dave!
Dave had his surgery and is in the hospital. Can you believe that his lung collapsed again the night before surgery?! We couldn't believe it ourselves. My poor husband had two garden hoses (chest tubes) coming out of him, a drainage tube, and two large areas stapled where they went into his lung to staple the top and bottom of it. He will for sure have several war wounds after this is all over. It is hard to have Dave in the hospital while we are at home. Becca and Josh took us yesterday to see Dave and Josh took me today while Becca watched Ethan. Sometimes I am able to call him and talk while Ethan is in bed. It brings us to our dating days when we would talk on the phone late at night just to hear each other's voice... I will be glad to have my prince safe, home, and better again.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
What an Amazing Week!
Have you ever been at that point, during a trial in your life, where you just plead with God, "Where are you?" Monday I was there. Our mortgage was due, bills needed to be paid, and Dave found out that he has to have the lung surgery at the end of this month. So... a month and a half out of work is a little frightening. Dave's family blessed us with our mortgage payment... I am so thankful for a family that cares whether we live under a bridge or not. :)
Monday night Dave gets a call from a friend at work. There are guys working overtime for Dave! Just the thought of it brought tears to my eyes. Dave obviously means a lot to these guys. Dave's friend said, "Dave, just get the surgery. Don't worry about money. Your family needs you. Don't put the surgery off." What a testimony.
Then five minutes after that phone call, we get another from our good friends Paul and Lynn. They own the Preschool and Kindergarten at our church. They knew that we needed help and so they offered me a job at the preschool as a head teacher. Not only that but they want me to direct the Preschool so that Lynn can just focus the Kindergarten. The touching part of it is... Lynn is giving me 2/3 of her salary to do it. If I stay on, next year I can make full wage, which is more than I have made teaching - ever - let alone only three days a week for only 6 hours a day!
But there's more! Wednesday, someone pulled up to our church and found a member walking inside. They asked her, "Do you know Dave Evans?" She said that she did. Then, they handed her an envelope and said, "Can you give this to him for me?" She asked him if he wanted to tell her his name so Dave would know who it was from and they said no and ran off. They parked around the back of the church so that no one could tell who it was. Inside was a money order for $500. Praise God!
You know... sometimes we do feel like we are walking through the fiery furnace (Daniel 3)wondering when God will show up to take off our bonds. He does. We just need to trust that he will...
Monday night Dave gets a call from a friend at work. There are guys working overtime for Dave! Just the thought of it brought tears to my eyes. Dave obviously means a lot to these guys. Dave's friend said, "Dave, just get the surgery. Don't worry about money. Your family needs you. Don't put the surgery off." What a testimony.
Then five minutes after that phone call, we get another from our good friends Paul and Lynn. They own the Preschool and Kindergarten at our church. They knew that we needed help and so they offered me a job at the preschool as a head teacher. Not only that but they want me to direct the Preschool so that Lynn can just focus the Kindergarten. The touching part of it is... Lynn is giving me 2/3 of her salary to do it. If I stay on, next year I can make full wage, which is more than I have made teaching - ever - let alone only three days a week for only 6 hours a day!
But there's more! Wednesday, someone pulled up to our church and found a member walking inside. They asked her, "Do you know Dave Evans?" She said that she did. Then, they handed her an envelope and said, "Can you give this to him for me?" She asked him if he wanted to tell her his name so Dave would know who it was from and they said no and ran off. They parked around the back of the church so that no one could tell who it was. Inside was a money order for $500. Praise God!
You know... sometimes we do feel like we are walking through the fiery furnace (Daniel 3)wondering when God will show up to take off our bonds. He does. We just need to trust that he will...
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Stamp Fever!
So... Lynn asked me to help her make the invitations to her First Annual Christmas Dinner Theatre for her Kindergarten class. While I was at Craft Warehouse yesterday I came across this stamp! Too cute! I had to let you see the progress of the card. I was ok with deciding to make these since Lynn only needs 10 cards!

I couldn't imagine stamping, coloring with watercolor pencils, adding water with a water brush to blend the color, cutting, adding the glitter, inking, and placing each design on the card with adhesive for more than 10! It was fun though... the holidays always gets me stampin'!
Hey, They Say It's Your Birthday...
Well, Dave threw me my first surprise party! Both Becca and I started the day by going off to the scrapbook store and Craft Warehouse. Josh helped keep us "busy" while my house filled with friends and family.
Our five year old friend, Alyssa, helped us blow out our birthday cake (made special by my mother-in-law). My favorite birthday present would have to be from my father-in-law. It was an RC (his favorite soda - I tend to get one when I am over when I need a little caffeine only cause he likes me. They are like gold at his house) and Mentos (which is his favorite candy that he carries with him in his car. I like to get a few whenever he takes me out).
Even though Ethan was sick, he wasn't going to go to bed! He had a blast with everyone over! After everyone went home, Becca and I went back to the Open House at Craft Warehouse! I got some goodies as did Becca. We really had a blast!
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Monday, November 5, 2007
He Did It!
Look at Our New Tree!
Dave's parents got me these flowers and the cute bench for our porch for my
birthday. They gave it early so that I could enjoy the blooms. Normally I don't get plants for my birthday because of the season, so it was great to enjoy them early!
sidewalk broken up... my plan is to have a garden and fence in it's place. When the
guys came from the church to plant the tree, they saw the concrete and told me that they would come back for it soon! Also, they are going to rototille the places that I am going to make for a new garden.
Then on Saturday, while we were out, Gary and Carolyn called and said that they had dirt for us! They are going to bring more so that our yard will be level with the driveway put in last year. It is so awesome to have friends and family that continue to bless us! It brings a smile especially with the news last week that Dave will have to have surgery on his lung in a couple of weeks.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Breathing is Overrated

Dave and I went to the specialist yesterday and found out that Dave does have a collapsed lung. If the doctor had seen him Wednesday when it began he would of admitted Dave. The lung is getting better so... he doesn't have to go into the hospital. But Dave has to take an easy for the next month. Otherwise the hole in his lung will get bigger and Dave will have to have surgery to repair it.
Our prayer requests are: For Dave's lung to be healed. For the hole in the lung not to open again so that Dave won't have to have surgery. Dave to be back to work as soon as possible (we can't afford to have him out and as of right now he can't be at work for two weeks to a month). For Dave to feel like he can breathe again and pain to be gone.
Friday, October 26, 2007
Life's Little Things
Ali Edwards' new book has been helping me look around for life's little treasures. It made me laugh to see Dave playing video games or watching television this morning. There he is next to the line of remotes that irritates me to no end! We have a remote for everything!
Back to this morning... Dave was relaxing and I was reading my new book while Ethan was eating breakfast. Here he is taking a little
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Watch and Pray
This video really makes you think. Didn't Jesus tell us that there will be persecution? Sometimes it is easy to say, "That was during Bible times." Beth Moore mentioned during the study of Daniel chapter 5 that if it doesn't affect us personally that we don't really relate to the experience. Well, as you know, now it does affect us personally. Watch and pray.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Two Out of Four
On the Farm
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Canvas on the Brain

Red heads do run in the family
Autumn Sunday
My sister...
Is the best! We were in town on Saturday getting Dave's camera back from our photographer friend, when Becca called and asked if I was close enough to the scrapbooking store. We were too far away to turn around when she told me that Ali Edwards was there scrapbooking! Ahhh! Crazy! Becca and Josh bought me her new book and had it signed. Not only that but I asked her if she could ask Ali where she gets her son's schedule cards (check out her article in CK magazine) cause I sent mine to Deb! Of course I wouldn't of asked Ali if I was there because I would of been too embarrassed but... Becca did! It's

Later that night we went to Worship Night at church and Dave was able to take pictures. I love this one of Ethan at the alter.
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Memories Almost Lost
It has been an interesting few weeks. I haven't been able to post any new photos of Ethan because our laptop started acting up! It wouldn't boot up. We thought that all of our photos of Ethan were going to be lost! I had been really lazy and didn't put them on CDs! I have heard of horror stories about how people lost every photo because of a computer problem. Well, we had a friend of ours look at the laptop and after 2 days was able to take all the pictures and put them on a memory card for us! Yeah! So, I now need to learn how to use our other computer to post our pictures. In the meantime, Becca always keeps up her blog so check hers out to see the videos of Ethan! :)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Ethan has grown so much!
Ethan has grown so much! When I look at this picture it is hard to believe that he is already 6 months old! He has been so much fun! He has found his voice and is talking - more like screaming- all day long. He has started getting on all fours and rocking, so we think he will be crawling very soon! His first teeth popped in this week. To our surprise, Ethan hasn't been as cranky as we thought with his first teeth coming in. A little fussy and tired is all. Dave did a great job taking this picture of him yesterday.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Matt and Deb at Ordination
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Deb and Matt are leaving August 13th
Dave's a Great Uncle!
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Getting To Know One Another
Today we had a new friend named Ashley come over with Evie. We all met at church and so it was really awesome to get to know each other better. Lynn, Amy, and Hayden came over too! It was a lot of fun. We had some really great laughs! Ashley just got married a month ago so we looked at her MySpace to see some pictures. We were laughing so hard that it brought tears! We had a blast!

Saturday, July 14, 2007
This one's for Carol!
Sorry, Carol, I don't give into peer pressure very well. There is no way I could do the Chicken Lips song for you to record on camera. But to make it up to you, here is another one of my favorites...
A Day of Vistors
Yesterday, Becca got to stay the night scrapbooking until we dropped...which for us was about 9:30pm, watched a movie, and went to bed at midnight. We are sooo old! Becca did one card and a 8x8 two page layout. That's it! I at least slammed out a few pages. Of course without the journaling and titles done. We are so pathetic! This morning Josh came to pick Becca up to go fishing.
A few hours later Lynn, Amy, and Hayden came to visit. We started a movie and then had to keep stopping it to take care of the babies. We sat the best friends together and I think Ethan really got to see Hayden for the first time. We got these precious shots. We couldn't stop laughing!

A few hours later Lynn, Amy, and Hayden came to visit. We started a movie and then had to keep stopping it to take care of the babies. We sat the best friends together and I think Ethan really got to see Hayden for the first time. We got these precious shots. We couldn't stop laughing!
Then about an hour later, Carol and Sharon came to visit. I can't believe that Grandma came twice in one week! We were so blessed! I captured this photo of Ethan talking to his grandma.
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