Friday, December 11, 2009

December Daily: Day 11

Days like today make me proud to be home with my little guy. We got a late start at school today... who cares?! Isn't that the benefit of teaching from home? Go with the flow... that was what today was all about.

Today's activity was to make Christmas cookies. This I knew was going to be a challenge since I still hadn't decided on a recipe this morning. As finally decided, I went into the cupboard to get the ingredients out and we were missing cream of tarter. Not sure why, since it is a baking staple and when do I ever bake? So, we got bundled up to walk five minutes to the market. Ethan looked cute in the stroller with only his eyes and cheeks showing through the layers. I was surprised at how it wasn't too bad even though it was only 32 degrees outside. I guess I have all the layers to thank. ;)

The store didn't have what I was looking for and so I got sour cream and chocolate chips since I saw a couple of recipes online earlier that needed those items. We trekked back home, ate lunch, and while Ethan had rest time I made egg-less chocolate chip cookies. I am telling you, it made the house smell like a gourmet pastry shop. It was heavenly! The cookies are as big as my hand and super tasty!

After Ethan's rest time, I had him help me make the egg-less sugar cookies. He had no problem helping me this year. He actually helped put all the dry ingredients into the mixer himself. I also had no problem letting him lick the bowl and spoon. It was a weird feeling having him able to do these simple things. Remember, this is his first time having homemade cookies! It was lovely. After Ethan had mouthfuls of dough, we spooned the dough onto the cookie sheet. It was funny because Ethan dumped the small dish of sugar onto the cookie sheet. I guess I need to be clearer when I say, "Just a sprinkle."

I didn't care for the sugar cookies as much as the chocolate chip but Ethan didn't seem to mind. In fact, one minute down from the table the sugar kicked in and he has been in a pleasant mood ever since... ;)

We also decorated ourselves like Christmas trees and tried to get pictures of ourselves dressed up, which was more of a challenge than the activity itself.

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